
Play store telegram x
Play store telegram x

play store telegram x

Option to display read-only notifications while app is locked with Passcode.System notification sound picker, when available (allows setting any custom notification sound).

play store telegram x

Disable message preview from specific chats.Silent broadcast notifications from channels now silently displayed in the notification tray.Option to hide secret chat notifications at all, when device screen is locked (you will still hear sound & vibration).Toggle this behavior in Settings > Notifications > Advanced > Merge notification categories Notifications are now grouped by chat type.Smart notification delays when you chat from another device.To turn on: System Settings > Display > Edge Screen > Edge lighting > Manage notifications > Turn toggle on for Telegram X Improved support for Edge Screen on Samsung devices.Dismissed notifications will not appear again when receiving notification from another chat, or due to unknown events Follow it to see the full guide on how to resolve it Whenever there is a clear problem with notifications, you will see a warning in the app menu near "Settings".Notifications now work when there's no connection with Telegram servers: it does not matter whether you are trying to access Telegram from censored regions or selected proxy is down.Notifications have been rebuilt from scratch, bringing improved behavior & reliability, new features & customizations, and reduced background battery usage. Telegram X April Update Changelog Notifications 2.0

Play store telegram x